DW Underground Support (DWUS) is a worldopen promoter with the passion for heavy music and was foundet 2018 in Basel, Switzerland.
In 2016, DW was going every weekend to underground show's in
Rheinfelden,Germany, Loerrach,Germany, Basel,Zurich,Aarau and many other cities in Switzerland and Germany.
2017 DW starting his first Underground Tape I+II Playlist on Spotify. With the old name Shadow Plant. The Underground Tape series are now on bandcamp. It's available as sampler to download for free.
Official start with DW Underground Support was in 2018 with the goal to support band's in the underground around the world.
After all this years, DW was going too many concerts. See many of rly sick bands and created more and more playlists/samplers on Spotify and Bandcamp.
All what DW does, is passion. Passion for the love of heavy underground music.
Please note:
DW don't support racism,fascism,sexism,homophobia or other bullshit in this direction.
So please leave this page, if you support this scum.
This page is a place of freedom, respect and friends for heavy music.
You find DW Underground Support on: Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
For concert videos: YouTube
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